Welcome to Portugal at the Santa Cruz Ocean Spirit Wave Masters 2010, the 2nd stage of the Kiteboard Pro World Tour Wave Masters 2010.
KPWT World Tour has chosen the spot of Santa Cruz, Praia Rita , one the most beautiful beaches in Portugal and definitely one of the most popular place in Europe for Wave riding. We experienced now the location for three years with the KPWT always with perfect and powerful conditions for the sport in Portugal. In this case we can put together the international image of this wonderful destination with the best kitesurfing professionals in the world.
Last nights opening ceremony will be remembered for ever ! There was a selection of bars serving delicious cocktails and local beers, a fireworks display that engulfed the sky at midnight and an natioan band, who set the tone for this Grand Slam event.
The local organization Ocean Spirit has done an amazing job for the public and the riders. The set up of the beach is beautiful and in a day without wind there is always something to do: skim board, surf, cayak, ... Great toys for water sports !
The KPWT wave event history started back in 99 at Cabo Verde Islands, Flash Austin from USA won the first wave event in Kitesurfing history with unbelievable condition at Punta Preta. In 2000 and 2001 the Wave masters World Champion was the French Frantz Orly.
And since the first Wave event, KPWT crowned 9 Waves World Champions !
Wave World champion title Story Mens : Wave World champion title Story Womens
KPWT 2009 Jan Marcos Riveiras (RD) KPWT 2009 Kirsty Jones (UK)
KPWT 2008 Mitu Monteiro (CV) KPWT 2008 Kirsty Jones (UK)
KPWT 2007 Jose Luengo and Abel Lago (SP) KPWT 2007 Kristin Boese (GER)
KPWT 2006 Jose Luengo (SP) KPWT 2006 Ainhoa Garcia (SP)
KPWT 2005 Jose Luengo (SP KPWT 2004 Fabienne dOrtoli (FR)
KPWT 2003 Herve Boure (FR) KPWT 2002 No Women event
KPWT 2002 No Wave event KPWT 2002 No Wave event
KPWT 2000 Frantz Orly (FR) KPWT 2000 Anne Laure Pegon (FR)
KPWT 1999 Flash Austin (US) KPWT 1999 Anne Laure Pegon (FR)
Skippers meeting will be tomorrow morning at 09h00 after breakfast, with the forecast looking positive to commence with the first heats within the Wave Masters discipline.
Thank you again to Bruno Mello and the Ocean spirit Team for their contributions and support for this World Cup event.
Pour en savoir plus : http://www.kpwt-events.com/2010/portugal/
dans Kitesurf